You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.4. SALES Menu: Sales Order Processing > 1.4.16. Sales - Scheduler > Warehouse Scheduler - Picking Slips > Assigning Pickers to Multiple Slips (v2.8)
Assigning Pickers to Multiple Slips (v2.8)

Just as you can assign a priority to multiple picking slips at the same time, you can also assign a picker to multiple slips.

To assign a picker to multiple slips at the same time:

  1. Open the Warehouse Scheduler.

Refer to "Displaying the Warehouse Scheduler".

Micronet displays the Warehouse Scheduler - Picking Slips tab.

  1. If required, you can filter the picking slips displayed using the Warehouse View, Courier View, Filter by Status and Filter by KPI's fields at the top of the screen.

Refer to "Selecting the Picking Slips to View (v2.8)".

  1. Select REFRESH or press F2 to display the selected picking slips.

For more information about the fields on this tab, refer to "Viewing or Changing the Status of a Picking Slip (v2.7)".

  1. Select the picking slips you want to set the picker for by using the Shift key to select several slips in a row, or using the Ctrl key to select several slips that are not sequential.

Micronet highlights each selected picking slip.


Micronet displays the Set all to a Picker screen.

  1. Enter the Picker you want to assign to the selected slips.
  1. If the Allocate Serials field is displayed, you can tick or untick it.

When this box is ticked, Micronet will work its way through the serial number / batches in bin priority order until it finds a serial number / batch with enough stock to allocate the entire order quantity.

If no serial number / batch has enough stock to allocate the entire order quantity, Micronet displays a warning message that it failed to find a serial batch for the entire order quantity. You need to either:


Technical Tip

This field is only displayed when the Pick from one tile shade field on the Invoicing Configuration screen is set to On Order Scheduling (see "Edit - Program - Invoicing") so that Micronet will attempt to automatically allocate the entire order quantity from one serial number / batch.

Micronet "remembers" whether the Allocate Serials field is ticked or unticked and displays it the same way the next time you open the Set all to a Picker screen. This setting is saved in the Registry for each user.

  1. Select the Set button.

You can also press spacebar then Enter to select a picker.

Micronet redisplays the Warehouse Scheduler - Picking Slips tab showing the updated picker for all the selected picking slips.